Pleasant Ridge
Community Council
The Pleasant Ridge Community Council (PRCC) represents all residents of Pleasant Ridge and advocates for the continued well-being, safety, and improvement of the neighborhood.
PRCC meets on the first Tuesday of each month at the Pleasant Ridge Recreation Center at 7pm.
(There are no public meetings in July or January)
PRCC Committees
Each committee of the PRCC is made up of dedicated volunteers from the neighborhood. Their grassroots work fuels the progress of PRCC by advancing safety, engaging neighbors, fundraising, and more!
There's room for you! Join one of our major committees listed below to make an impact in the neighborhood.
Looking for other ways to be involved? We are always happy for new volunteers!
Help plan and execute Ridge Day, the annual neighborhood festival on the first Saturday in August.
Support the communications team with the newsletter, website, and social media.
Assist our Treasurer with Neighborhood Support Program (NSP) management.
Got an idea? We'd love to hear it at a Community Council meeting!
Traffic Committee focused on improving safety for drivers, improvements to traffic, cyclist, and pedestrians.
Committed to improving safety for all residents and maintains a healthy relationship with CPD and Cincinnati Fire.
Committees for each of the four "gateway" quadrants of Pleasant Ridge: Losantiville, Orchard, Ridge, and Cypress.
Beautifying the neighborhood through litter clean-ups, planter maintenance, and parks/urban canopy advocacy.
Ridge Day is a longstanding community celebration in Pleasant Ridge that includes food, beer, live music and an overall family-friendly festival. The goal of the day is to fundraise for the community council, give neighbors an opportunity to visit, and to celebrate our pleasant neighborhood.
Click here to go to the Ridge Day Facebook Site.​
PRCC Executive Committee
The voting board members of the Council include a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Members are nominated by the community and voted in to leadership.
President- Andrew Bernier
Andrew moved to PR from Oakley and before that was resident in Arizona. In each place he was engaged in the local community council with successes at both. He is an Assistant Professor in Education, specialising in STEM and Sustainability Education. He is particularly interested in development with sustainability in Pleasant Ridge.
Vice President- Jeff Hitman-Mason
Jeff and his wife moved to PR from his native state of California in 2022. Jeff began attending PRCC meetings and looking for ways to serve the community early on. You can find him enjoying the walkability of PR and supporting the local small businesses. His desire is to increase collaboration amongst PR decision makers and to increase community engagement. He believes each of us are at our best when serving others.
Secretary - Michelle French
The position of PR Community Council Secretary plays a key role in organizing the PRCC and ensuring proper communication exists between PRCC and the residents of Pleasant Ridge
Treasurer - Jessi Frank
Jessi is by profession a Business Analyst and brings us a solid, efficient, and compliant approach to the finances of the Community Council. She is very keen to get engaged in our community and meet everyone - say 'hi' when you see her !